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Welcome to Royal Care Institute of Neurosciences

Cochin, a significant port city in Kerala, is becoming a center for developing new medical techniques, especially for the treatment of Essential Tremors and Parkinson’s Disease. Besides the remarkable healthcare system offered in the city, patients looking for more complex care have the option of traveling to Coimbatore for Royal Care Hospital which offers non-invasive treatment procedures like Magnetic Resonance guided Focused Ultrasound Therapy (MRgFUS). Everything starts with teleconsultations. A few expert neurologists review the case and recommend if a visit to Coimbatore is needed.

Parkinson’s disease is an ailment associated with the progressive degeneration of the nervous system and complaints in movement coordination, such as shaking, rigidness and balance difficulties. For many years, the common treatment options were physiotherapy, medication, and surgical procedures. But these options bring with them numerous challenges, such as being expensive, long recuperation periods, and unwanted consequences to people’s health. The introduction of MRgFUS to Royal Care Hospital in Coimbatore has enabled patients to use a non-invasive, painless, and efficient treatment method.

Utilizing focused ultrasound waves, MRgFUS targets specific areas of the brain that are responsible for tremors and other symptoms of movement disorders, which enables the user to have full 180 degree movement. Having no incisions, anesthesia, or overnight stays means patients are able to walk into the hospital, and walk back out the same day, pain free. Many patients also report feeling immediate relief, meaning no bothersome visits to the hospital are necessary for post-operative care.

Why Choose MRgFUS at Royal Care Hospital, Coimbatore?

• Non invasive and risk free: No cuts or needles greatly decreases blood loss, meaning risks are almost non-existant.

• Faster relief with lesser side effects: Almost instant improvement means better and faster functionality without too many complications.

• Inpatient care not required: No overnight stays means the procedure is exclusively outpatient.

• Expert Neurologists: The best in the field of Neurology who have specialized in treating Parkinsons' are all situated under one roof at the hospital.

Now, patients in Cochin suffering from Parkinson's Disease can take advantage of advanced treatment at Royal Care Hospital, Coimbatore. The treatment commences with an online consultation with the doctors who analyze your condition and present personalized treatment options. If necessary, patients will be asked to travel to Coimbatore for their treatment plan. No matter if you are in Cochin or far from it, the Royal Care Hospital aims to ensure that you live a full and engaging life.