Best Essential Tremor Treatment in Noida
Electronics are an inevitable part of our lives, they are must-haves for everyone in today’s life. Noida is fondly known as the ‘electronic city of India’ as it has multinational manufacturing companies of electronics. Just imagine a day without washing machine, dishwasher, vacuum cleaner and mobile phone etc….very difficult even to imagine. The city has shown rapid digitalization and growth in IT sectors. This has also been possible due to its easy access to the capital city by various means of transportation like metro, rail and by road. Noida is a well- planned city by the government of Uttar Pradesh bringing about the best in education, transportation, manufacturing and real estate. The crime rated in Noida have significantly decreased for the past few years making it a safer and prosperous city.
Ageing gracefully is possible for some of us who are either blessed or pledged to keep ourselves healthy and fit through a balanced diet, regular exercising, and a holistic approach to health. For some of us, it would get difficult to perform regular tasks such as cleaning, cooking, dressing, or eating, which might get complicated. This might be due to trembling hands, legs, head, torso, or any body part, primarily in older adults. This is due to twitching or involuntary movements of muscles by contraction and relaxation. This could be due to tremors, a neurological condition responsible for involuntary and rhythmic shaking.

Tremors are broadly classified as rest tremors and action tremors. A rest tremor is the shaking of any part of the body while a person is ina resting condition. A person who has Parkinsons disease is experiencing a rest tremor. An action tremor is experienced when a person tries to move any body part or gets into action. One of the significant causes of tremors is damage to the cerebellum or lack of coordination between the cerebellum and other parts of the brain. Essential tremor is also known as familial tremor because, in most cases, it is inherent and due to an altered gene. It is a disorder that primarily affects hands, and the condition worsens as the patient gets into movement. It also affects the head, trunk, and voice. In the beginning, it is not very noticeable but aggravates with time, mostly on one side of the body. Some factors responsible for aggravation are fatigue, emotional stress, extreme temperatures, nicotine, alcohol, certain medications and caffeine.
The best treatment of Essential tremors is now available at Royalcare Neurosciences Hospital in the Indian subcontinent, Middle East and African countries with MRgFUS [Magnetic Resonance guided Focused Ultrasound Therapy] for the treatment of a spectrum of neurological disorders with more than 21 years of experience. Neuroscience studies the nervous system from structure, function, and development to degeneration. MRgFUS is an incision-less treatment that makes it painless. It uses Magnetic resonance imaging for target definition, treatment planning and closed-loop control of energy deposition with no incisions or permanent implants. At Royalcare Hospital, there is a futuristic approach to medicine and treatment for essential tremors where medications, rehabilitation and therapies are not very effective in some cases with optimal safety and least risk. One of the most remarkable features of MRgFUS at the Royalcare Neuroscience Hospital is the minimum hospitalisation. The procedure requires a single session with experienced and highly qualified doctors who personalise the treatment with sub- millimetre target movement. The outpatient treatment is also strikingly impressive for treating hand tremors. The innovative technology of MRgFUS targets the precise spots in the brain for treatment, all in a single sitting. The patient returns home the same day, with no hospitalisation needed with visible results.